
How to get and use Piglin head in Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales update

Mojang will soon be releasing the Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update. It will introduce a host of new features, blocks, items, biomes, and mobs.

Only recently has Mojang finished developing all the new features and is now working hard to fine-tune and fix any bugs in them. One of the blocks coming to the new installment is a Piglin head.

Mob heads are one of the rarest and most difficult items to obtain in the game. They require the skill to deal with dangerous mobs and accurate timing. Obtaining Piglin head in the next update will probably be the hardest task.

Steps to obtain and use piglin head in Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update

1) Create a Charged Creeper

Charged Creeper can be created manually in Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update with enchanted trident (Image via Mojang)

Most mob heads (except dragon and player heads) can only be obtained if that mob dies from a charged creeper explosion. Charged creepers are extremely rare mobs that are made when a lightning strike hits a regular creeper.

However, it will take ages for a naturally occurring lightning strike to hit the creeper. Hence, you can create a special variant of the mob yourself.

Simply grab a trident and enchant it with channeling enchantment. This will allow you to summon lightning strikes on any mob. Simply hit the creeper with the enchanted trident to summon a lightning strike to create a charged creeper.

2) Bringing the charged creeper to the Nether

Trap charged creeper in a boat and push it through the Nether in Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update (Image via Mojang)

Since Piglins zombifies soon after entering the Overworld, you need to somehow take the charged creepers to the Nether realm. This will be one of the most difficult tasks since you need to prevent the hostile mob from exploding and bring it near a piglin in the Nether.

One of the easiest ways to do so is by trapping the charged creeper in a boat. This will prevent them from chasing you and will not detonate. Once they are trapped, simply push the boat through a nether portal.

3) Bring a Piglin near the charged creeper

Piglin mob head will drop after charged creeper's explosion in Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update (Image via Mojang)

The final step can be relatively easy, as you just need to find a Piglin in the Nether realm and bring it closer to the charged creeper.

Finally, break the boat and allow the hostile mob to explode. The massive explosion will kill the Piglin, and it will drop its head.

How to use the Piglin head?

Piglin's ambient sound will play from note block in Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update (Image via Mojang)

After obtaining the Piglin head, you can check out another new feature coming in the next update. Simply place the mob's head on top of a note block and play Piglin's ambient sound from it.

Apart from that, you can also wear the Piglin head by placing it in the helmet slot. Since it is one of the most difficult mob heads to obtain, you can simply place it in your base as a showpiece as well.

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Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-30